A journey through the history of photography
The musée de l’Elysée was looking for a new way to present a part of their collection. In collaboration with Lab212 we created this interactive installation, where you move through a field of photographs by riding a swing
The project was initially developped and displayed at the musée de l’Elysée (lausanne), and has then been declined and shown in multiple museums and shows
Musée de l’Elysée – Lausanne

Art Genève

KIKK festival
The installation was shown at the 2021 KIKK festival in namur.

Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, we couldn’t get to Namur, so we created an “all in one” kit, for an easy installation on-site

Related projects
A similar concept (the interactive swing) has been declined into two installation we created for hermès
- Bastien Girschig development, UX
- Beatrice Lartigue Project management, concept, curation
- Manuel Sigrist Commissariat
- Cyril Diagne Original concept (interactive swing)